The 5 Bodies - A Spring Day Retreat
An urban day retreat designed as an awareness 'Spring Clean'
Designed for any dedicated student or teacher wanting to explore an embodied experience of awareness, from the skin to the subtlest parts of who you are.
Using the Yogic map of the 5 Koshas (layers/bodies) Irene will lead you on a whole day of exploring the interconnection between the body, mind, breath and beyond.
This day retreat will comprise two experiential masterclasses on the ways Yoga can touch our self understand, empowerment and expression across how we move, breath, think and feel.
Be nourished together, with a delicious warm lunch provided in between (dietary requirements welcome).
A day of wholistic spring cleaning and an experience of alignment for your whole being.
Masterclass One: The Somatic Body
Masterclass Two: The Subtle Body
• understanding the map of the 5 Koshas and application in yoga and daily life
• Embracing the uniqeness of our embodiment
• the relationship between breath and vitality
• adaptability and the intelligence of our nervous system
• a day of practice, release and wholistic re alignment for body, mind and beyond
• YA certified for 5hrs CPD for existing yoga teachers
$220 including lunch