Pranayama Practices

Working with breath is the most immediate way to impact out nervous system and shift our state.

Breath is the gateway to experience Prana and the bridge between the body and mind.

Here you will discover practices to balance, ground + calm as well as enliven + expand.

Return to Balance

This 10min breath work practice will return you to a sense of balance by working with the innate polarity of the inhale and exhale.

Whether you are feeling low energy or holding stress this short practice will calibrate you back to your centre creating harmony in the nervous system and clarity in the mind.

Time: 10 min

Focus: Breath and nervous system

Props: Something to sit on


Viloma on Exhale

In this practice we use Viloma pranayama (going again the natural flow) with the exhale.

This is a breathing technique where we break the breath out into 3 stages with a pause between releasing each third of breath.

A simple practice that can prepare us for longer breath holds during pranayama practice and can be used to ground the nervous system and calm the mind.

Time: 12min

Focus: Breath, mind and nervous system

Props: none