Here you will easily find the most recently uploaded practices.

The intention is that you will stay with each practice and explore it more than once depending on what you need each day.

Maybe even go on a journey of a 40 days sadhana with the practices that speak to what you need to cultivate more of.



NEW Tantric Hatha Practice

Deep Awareness

This class is an opportunity to cultivate expansive awareness from focusing on building presence.

Expect to work with standing and seated postures whilst focusing on the more subtle and mindful experience of yoga as a state of presence.

Time: 30min

Focus: Awareness

Props: Blocks options




NEW Restorative hatha Practice

Pure Breathing

This class explores creating the conditions for pure, uninhibited breathing.

Expect postures that create space around the trunk and rib cage as well as guidance to allow the nervous system to regulate in order to support the body to breath effortlessly.

Time: 50min

Focus: Body and Breath

Props: bolster, cushions, strap, blocks, blanket and eye mask


Tantric Hatha Practice

Practice With The Mantra AUM

This practice is an opportunity to focus on the experience of chanting AUM through Yoga practice.

Mantra can give the mind a focal point and allow us to feel into more subtle, vibrational experience within the inner space of the pose.

The mantra AUM itself is the sound body of the experience of pure consciousness therefore it can help calibrate our awareness towards experiencing an expansive and ultimately transcendental state of consciousness

Time: 35 mins

Focus: Mind and Energy

Props: Blocks optional