
Yoga and Tantra are master systems for self understanding and empowerment

For our practice to be most impactful we must understand the knowledge that underpins our practice.

This space will support you to create rapid and consistent change by diving deeper into study of Tantra, Yoga and our body/mind continuum.

Now Begins the practice of Yoga

Patanjali's Yoga sutras is the first systematisation of Yogic practice and shares a Yoga as a path towards self liberation/freedom. This lecture unpacks the very first of the 196 threads of wisdom that makes up this text. Yoga Sutra 1:1 - Atha yoganushasanam

Now begins the practice/teaching of Yoga

Discover the meaning of the first sutra and how it can impact the way we see our practice

Length: 7.5 minutes

Focus: Philosophy

Props: Journal



Which Sadhana Do I Need?

There is a difference between practicing what we want and what we need.

In order to access the true potential for change that Yoga and Tantra offer asking ourselves why we practice and what we need is vital.

This lecture takes you beyond your goals on the Yoga mat, to the qualities you need physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.

A great place to start before committing to a new practice.

Time: 6min

Focus: Technology of Yoga

Props: Journal?


Yoga is Your Natural State

In this lecture Irene will discuss why thinking about Yoga as a practice limits our capacity to access the highest benefits of this timeless tradition.

Take a moment to explore Yoga as a state of consciousness and your innate nature.

Time: 5min

Focus: Knowledge


Samkhya Philosophy

Samkhya Philosophy describes the decent of consciousness into matter.

This lecture breaks down the philosophy around how pure unbounded consciousness bifurcates and manifests into material reality, the pathway of consciousness into energy into matter. We can also follow this map back from the material to the subtle to explore what we experience when our awareness becomes more subtle in meditation.

Samkhya is a dualist philosophy that forms the basis of yoga, tantra, vedanta and Ayurveda and is thus a vital teaching that underpins the study and practice of these traditions.

Time: 14min

Focus: Mind

Props: none


Freedom From Thinking

Traditional Yoga is a pathway for empowering our mental capacity.

In this Lecture we explore Patanjali's yoga sutra 1.2 : Yoga Citta Vritti Nirodaha.

This sutra is arguably foundational to Yoga as a system and a vital teaching that we can use to empower our Yoga practice and our connection to ourself.

Time: 9min

Focus: Lecture

Props: Notes


The Mantra AUM

You may be familiar with chanting OM at the end of a Yoga class but understanding the science of this powerful mantra can allow you to use the mantra in your yoga practice or as a stand alone practice.

This lecture will explore the meaning of OM and how it is different from AUM, ways to use the mantra and can support your understanding of why we use this mantra often in Tantric Hatha Yoga practice.

Time: 7.5min

Focus: Lecture

Props: Notes


The 5 Vayus

Prana divides itself into 5 Vayus, each governing different functions and aspects fo being.

This lecture shares an intro to the Vayus and their psychological and physiological functions.

Time: 6min

Focus: Mind

Props: Journal


Restorative Hatha Lecture

This lecture explores the intention behind Restorative hatha practice as well as comparing restorative and yin yoga.

Time: 9min

Focus: Lecture

Props: note book optional