Tantric Hatha Practice
Traditional Hatha Yoga is a practice anchored in the cultivation of our capacity.
Unlike contemporary Yoga which focuses on the yoga asana (postures), Traditional Hatha is anchored in the Tantric world view which aims to reveal the sacred and energetic basis for life.
Tantric Hatha is a practice which sees the body as a vessel for building awareness and prana (energy). A complete practice leads us through asana, pranayama (breath work) to allow us to create the conditions for an easeful and potent meditation experience.
In this practice you will experience Salute to the Sun as much more than a warm up to start your practice. The traditional offering of Surya Namaskar is in its name. A ritual of honouring the sun; not only the life giving qualities of the sun's energy but of our innate capacity to access vitality from within.
Time: 20min
Focus: Building Prana
Props: 2 blocks (optional)
You Are Not The Breather
This practice focuses on the map of breath led practice and its impact on the nervous system, mind and self awareness.
Expect to work with breath awareness, shaping of breath during asana and how to use the breath as a gateway towards cultivating witnessing capacity in practice.
Time: 45min
Focus: Breath and Mind
Props: Blocks optional
Practice With The Mantra AUM
This practice is an opportunity to focus on the experience of chanting AUM through Yoga practice.
Mantra can give the mind a focal point and allow us to feel into more subtle, vibrational experience within the inner space of the pose.
The mantra AUM itself is the sound body of the experience of pure consciousness therefore it can help calibrate our awareness towards experiencing an expansive and ultimately transcendental state of consciousness
Time: 35 mins
Focus: Mind and Energy
Props: Blocks optional
A Practice for Savouring
This is a practice for exploring the art of savouring through embodied practice.
Expect to use awareness to explore through the body, breath and mind with a focus on inhale breath and connecting to the experience of prana.
Time: 50min
Focus: Body, mind and prana
Props personal preference
Deep Awareness
This class is an opportunity to cultivate expansive awareness from focusing on building presence.
Expect to work with standing and seated postures whilst focusing on the more subtle and mindful experience of yoga as a state of presence.
Time: 30min
Focus: Awareness
Props: Blocks options
15 min Moon
This is a short and efficient practice to lead you back to feel calm and stable.
Using lengthened exhale pared with forward folds we are able to access deep stillness in a short amount of time to return you to the part of you that is always unchanging and unshakable, no matter what turbulence you are experiencing in your inner or outer world.
Time: 15mins
Focus: mind
props: optional blocks
Return to Calm
This 30min Moon Class is a practice for releasing stress, tension and distraction to return back to the part fo ourselves that is always steady, stable and calm. Here we move the body however we are focused on creating more stability and presence in the Mind. Expect to work with forward folds, lengthening the exhale and spaciousness to recalibrate your system back to a sense of ease and calm.
Time: 30min
Focus: Mind
Props: Blocks
Stable Body and Mind
This 60min practice uses the elements of moon sadhana to not only ground the nervous system, steady the mind but also creates stability in the body.
With a focus on developing hip stability expect to emerge feeling deeply steady and anchored in tradition hatha yoga's foundational intention: stability.
Time: 60min
Focus: Body and mind
Props: 2 blocks
Express Sun
This class is like a shot of vitality. Expect to use back bend and side bend asanas, lengthening inhale, mantra and bandhas to create a potent and efficient way of practicing when you don't have a lot of time.
Time: 20mins
Focus: Prana
Props: Blocks if needed
Revealing Subtlety
This practice will take you into the depths of your energetic body.
Using breath, bandha and mantra we will refine our sense to feel into the subtle experience of prana, vibration and light within the body.
Time: 60 min
Focus: Prana
Props: two blocks
Awaken Vitality
This Tantric Hatha class is designed to connect you to your innate energy. Expect to work with back bends, side bends and in particular focusing on lengthening the inhale breath. This short practice is an efficient experience to recharge your whole system and return you to a sense of brightness and vitality.
Length: 30min
Focus: Prana
Props: Blocks optional
This practice is an opportunity to cultivate a sense of aliveness.
Using inhale focus, breath led practice and expansive postures you will build a connection to vitality.
A perfect class for the start of your day or when you are feeling dull but don't have a lot of time to shift your state.
Time: 35mins
Focus: Energy and breath
Props: optional blocks
Alchemy of Sun and Moon
'Once the moon has been made steady, the sun can begin to rise.'
This practice blends moon and sun practice to explore this teaching from one of our foremost Hatha texts. First we will create a calm and stable nervous system before we begin to expand our experience of Prana to ensure that we are steady yet enlivened.
Time: 38mins
Building Your Capacity
In this practice we focus on building prana in the navel centre to expand our innate capacity.
Expect to work guiding breath, building strength around the centre and working into some deep twists.
Time: 60min
Focus: Building prana
Props: Blocks
Awaken The Fire
This fire practice invites you to orientate towards your highest potential. This fire practice is an introduction to kundalini practice as is described in traditional hatha yoga. Awakening ourselves to our innate power. Expect to focus on bringing awareness into the centre, extensions and inversions and building towards longer breath retentions and suspensions during practice.
Time: 60min
Focus: Energy
Props: blocks or bolster optional
The True Self
This class provides an opportunity to connect to your deepest, most effortless centre, beyond all the ideas of who you think you are.
This is a breath led Hatha class with support from the mantra SO HUM and subtle focus on the spine with each posture.
Time: 45min
Focus: Mind and prana
Props: optional block and bolster
Hollow Like The Flute
"Become hollow like the flute and allow the music of life to play through you."
This is a fire practice that allows you to explore and experience your own inner truth when we release our ideas about who we think we are.
Expect a sequence with focus around the spine, breath work to empower the navel centre and postures to elongate your centre:
Time: 50min
Focus: Energy
Props: Blocks and bolster optional
Open and Clear
This class focuses on balancing Apana Vayu, the force behind mental, emotional and physical elimination.
With a focus on forward folds and poses which ground the pelvis expect to feel open, clear and released after this practice.
Time: 45 min
Focus: Prana
Props: Blocks
Receiving Power
This class focuses on cultivating Pran Vayu, our capacity to receive, enliven and inspire.
Pran vayu allows us to draw in nourishment, energy, pleasure and new experiences.
Time: 35min
Focus: Prana
Props: optional blocks
Centred and Integrated
This class is orientated towards restoring Samana Vayu.
This Subtle energy is located at the navel centre and governs our capacity to digest and assimilate what we ingest physically, emotionally, cognitively and through our senses.
Return to this practice any time you need to process and centre.
Time: 40mins
Focus: Prana
Props: Blocks
Integrate and Expand
This class focuses on harmonising vyana vayu.
Expect to cultivate a vitality in your presence and explore the experience of pranic expansion.
Time: 40min
Focus: Prana
Props: Optional