Restorative Practice
All parts of you need rest!
The pace of modern life provides ever increasing load on our nervous system. We are processing more experiences and being expected to produce more output.
This space is a haven for you to return to when you need to complement the dynamic doing part of life with rest and restoration.
Create time in your schedule for rest and release. Return often.
Constructive Rest
Constructive rest is more than just lying down and doing nothing.
It is a process of systematically allowing your nervous system to de-excite so that every part of you can let go into a deep state of ease and rest.
Focus: Nervous System
Time: 15mins
Props: a stool/chair + anything you need to feel comfortable and supported
15 min Return to Presence
This express restorative practice is perfect for when we need a reset.
Return to this sequence whenever you have had a big day, are feeling stressed and anxious or to wind down before bed.
Time: 15mins
Focus: Mind
Props: Bolster and block
Petite Refuge
This is a short practice for when you need to rest and feel supported.
Using many props to allow you to feel completely bolstered for a deep reset when you dont have a lot of time to practice.
Time: 20min
Focus: Body, mind, nervous system
Props: Everything you have on hand. Blocks, bolsters, blankets, strap, cushions
Centred and Connected
This restorative practice will create the space and the conditions to return back to yourself.
A supportive practice when we feel pulled out of our centre and out into our work, relationships and the busyness of life around us.
Easeful floor postures and centring breath awareness will leave you feeling deeply connected and aligned to centre.
Time: 40min
Focus: Body/Mind
Props: Blocks, bolster, blanket, cushions
Heart to Hands Restorative
This practice explores the connection of our chest to our upper limbs releasing tension along the arm lines whilst subtly working with the emotion and intention of the heart centre to empower what we touch in the world.
Time: 30min
Focus: Body
Props: bolster, blocks, blanket
Restorative Refuge
This restorative practice is designed for you to gather back all the parts of yourself that you share at work and with all you give your attention to.
A deeply restful sequence where the focus is on supporting ever part of your body for deep release and restoration.
Time: 40min
Focus: Body, mind , nervous system
Props: Everything you have on hand. Blocks, bolsters, blankets, strap, cushions
Pure Breathing
This class explores creating the conditions for pure, uninhibited breathing.
Expect postures that create space around the trunk and rib cage as well as guidance to allow the nervous system to regulate in order to support the body to breath effortlessly.
Time: 50min
Focus: Body and Breath
Props: bolster, cushions, strap, blocks, blanket and eye mask
The Ultimate Restorative Sequence
Experience Irene’s ultimate sequence for releasing stress in the nervous system and tension in the body and mind.
This class works systematically to release the tension held in the central line of your body when we are overloaded mentally, emotionally and physically. It is particularly therapeutic if you carry tension in the psoas muscles.
Relax and enjoy a total release for body and mind.
Time: 45min
Levels: All Levels
Props: blocks and bolster/pillow
Release and Let Go
This restorative class is journey into releasing tension and inner resistance.
A simple sequence of 5 postures with a focus on using the exhale to release and let go through body and mind.
Time: 34min
Focus: Body and Mind
Props: Bolster, blanket, blocks and extras for support
Gentle Hip Release
This practice offers a restorative approach to increase flexibility and awareness of where we hold tension around the hips. A great practice for anyone who wants to create more flexibility around the hips and pelvis or to support dynamic movement practices that challenge the muscles in this area
Time: 40min
Focus: Body
Props: Blocks + Bolster
Hips and Rest
The hips have capacity to move in all directions but they also endure a lot of force transfer as we move in the world. This class will take you through a few simple poses to explore all the movements of the hips whilst allowing you to drop into a deep sense of rest in the body.
Return to this class when ever you need or use it daily to creating more lasting change.
Time: 30min
Focus: Body
Props: as many as you have. bolster, clocks, blankets, eye mask.