
Immersing Deeper In The Systems of Yoga and Tantra

This space is where you will find workshops that are available to all members.

Gain a deeper understand of Yogic and Tantric technology through lectures, discussions and practices


Tantra and The Awakened Mind

This workshop was created to share a pathway to access our highest cognitive capacity.

Yogic teachings often speak of our practice creating greater intuition, fulfilment and self awareness but these capacities do not unfold simply through the practice of yoga asana

The videos below are recorded as part of a workshop combining a complete practice including asana , pranayam and meditation together with two lectures on awakening the mind through the lens of yoga and tantra. Each part can be experienced in sequence or separately as needed.

Asana Practice

This practice is orientated towards the cultivation of stability and presence as a doorway into accessing the inner witness and higher mind.

Expect to use grounding breath work and mantra in the postures to prepare you for deep meditation to awaken the third eye centre (deeper awareness).

Time: 60min

Focus: Mind

Props: Blocks


Meditation Practice

A meditation practice to access awareness beyond thought, before accessing higher mental capacity

Time: 20min

Focus: Mind

Props: something for a comfortable seat


We often hear of Yoga practice leading to greater fulfilment, intuitive capacity and knowing our purpose. The rich technology of yoga and the knowledge that underpins it can definitely support these gifts, however we do not get there just by practicing yoga asana.

In this lecture Irene explains how the cultivation of greater stability and presence creates the doorway to increasing mental capacity and the unfolding of an awakened mind

Time: 20min

Focus: Lecture

Props: Optional journal


Experience Ziggy talking about awakening the mind through the lens of Hatha Yoga and Tantra

Time: 15min


Awaken The Serpent Masterclass

This workshop is a recording from Essence Festival online 2021.

The body is a portal for awakening to the sacredness of life and your own unique power; and the gateway to this experience is opened when we activate the spine.

This masterclass explores the power of a 'complete' practice of Tantric Hatha Yoga; a master system for moving beyond our perceived limitations and conditioning.

Practice focusing building stability, awareness and prana around the spine. Expect the use of bandhas, mantra, mudra and visualisation in order to awaken the experience of kundalini Shakti - our boundless potential.

Time: 90min

Focus: Mind, Body, Prana

Equipment: blocks, bolster optional


The Ancient One Within Workshop

This workshop was recorded for Essence festival in 2020.

The ancient one within is a meditation for accessing our inner wisdom.

This workshop contains an exploration of what it means to connect to the deepest part of our knowing and a guided meditation for reaching this inner guide.

Time: 60min

Focus: Mind

Props: A comfortable seat


Join Irene in Sept 2022 for the Great Return to Love Immersion.

Harnessing the true power of Yoga and Tantra requires consistency in our practice and a deeper understanding of these systems in order to integrate and embody the fruits of our labour into a life of presence, purpose and meaning.

We invite you to come immerse with us in beautiful Byron Bay for 2 weeks of daily practice, study, connection to like minded seekers and time in nature.